Monday, June 27, 2011

Danny Noonan

Good morning, it has been a few days since I last posted. Last week was incredibly busy and this week will be about the same. It is definitely starting to look like business is going to be back on the move and in a positive direction.
  It may be hit or miss with my postings over the next few weeks but, I will still be here and information will still be presented so that my little world can be part of yours. Off to get some work done and until next time be the ball!!!

Have a great day!!!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Timber Frame Tuesday: Structural Insulated Panels

Good morning and another tuesday has arrived. Last week I spoke about hybrids, so to keep it consistent with the direction I will talk about SIP'S, otherwise known as structural insulated panels. The panels are a phenominal invention. They have many uses and were created specifically with the timber frame industry in mind.
   They are available in a variety sizes and even styles. Some are set up with so that electrical and plumbing can be run thru them without disturbing the inner core. For those that build they offer an alternative to stick framing and can be a cost effective method to put up a shell.
  There are classes available that teach the best method and best utilization of the SIP'S for the building industry.
  So as I have stated in previous blogs, it falls back to homework and research and really great planning when it comes down to creating your dream!! Until tommorrow....

Have a great day!!


Monday, June 20, 2011

Busy Day

Good morning, a plethera of activity is about to get underway this week. A new furnace and air conditioner are getting installed today, hopefully it will be a smooth transition. The week has many more activities also planned, from tile work to painting to just being busy. So things are getting underway and I am needed to answer questions so until we talk again......!!

Have a great day!!!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Log Jamz: Wiring

Good morning, It is thursday and time for log jamz. My topic for today is wiring. When building a log home there are several different approaches to running your electrical systems to your new home. Design is a very big factor. When you first start your project is is a very wise idea to have a plan on paper as to where all the wiring systems are going to go through out your home.
  Some homes will create a false panel and run the wiring behind a baseboard, others will predrill each log so as to have a cleaner look. Either methods are acceptable.
  It is a very wise thing to find an electrician with log home experience because all the little factors that can go along with doing such a project.The builder and the electrician will be coordinating the process together. The process starts once the ground as been broken. Well for now i will say goodbye until tommorrow...

Have a great day!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011


  Wednesday already, hope that everyone is having a good start so far this morning. Patiently awaiting an answer from a proposal to finish a log house project, keeping very busy with little things until the real work pops back into the picture.
   Steadily working towards the dream of building the timber frame shop, hustle seems to be the name of the game. Incredibly busy day ahead so for now I will say have a great day until tommorrow!!

If you are lucky enough to be Irish you are lucky enough!!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Timber Frame Tuesday: Hybrids

Good morning, Well it is tuesday and time to talk about timber frames. Today's topic is hybrids. For those that are not familar with the term hybrid, it in layman's terms is a combination of conventional building that incoporates some timber frame features. For those that would like effect of a timber frame but cannot budget a full frame, it allows you to have some of the features. Most common is to have a great room with a timber truss effect.
  Usually the general contractor will combine the stick frame or panelized home with these features for an open floor plan. Well off to finish more proposals and other items for today, so until tommorrow.....

Have a great day!


Monday, June 13, 2011

Busy bee

Good morning, a great sunny monday is ahead. Lots and lots of activities to start off the week. Still waiting for a confirmation of a bid. Either way though I will remain a busy little bee! Going to use every moment to make things happen.
   Well I am going to do just what I said so until we meet again enjoy your day and keep a watchful eye out for a tornado called Mike, because he is on the move!!

Have a great day!!!


Friday, June 10, 2011

Loose ends together

Good morning, busy day ahead, it is a day of bringing some loose ends together and having some positive progress take place. As always the schedule is subject to change, but I will be working hard to keep progress happening.
   Made a connection yesterday afternoon that hopefully will be the begining of a bigger business network for the company. Time will tell. So until next week ........

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Log Jamz: Additions

 Good morning, Well another thursday has arrived and for those that follow my little blog, know that it is log jamz thursday. As I sit here deciding what to write about the subject of log additions comes to mind.
   For those that own a log home and want to add to it, a certain degree of challenges may arise.
   Questions that need to be asked are such things as do I use full logs or log siding? Do I have any special challenges that I will face when adding to my existing log home. How long of a process am I looking at to do my project? Do I need a builder that specializes in log additions or is it ok to just use a general contractor?
  These are just a few of the questions to put into your mind when making a decision to add to your home, there many questions that come about in this process and we will talk about them over time, so until tommorrow.........

Have a great day!!                                                                                                                      

P.S.  Remember if you are lucky enough to be Irish you are lucky enough!!!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What a concept

  Good morning on this sunny wednesday, hope that all is well for everyone. Another day of details for the estimates that I need to complete and then onto working on some projects.
  Ten years ago today at this very time I broke my back building an addition, on my brother's birthday no less. Since then I have been fracture free and intend on keeping it that way.
  Robin Williams said it best { REALITY WHAT A CONCEPT!!! } So I am going to wish my brother a happy birthday and get to work. Until tommorrow........

Have a great day!!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Burning brain cells

  Good morning, it has been over a week since I last posted. I have been non-stop here lately which is a good thing. Today is bid day, numbers, facts, figures and all the good stuff that goes along with it.
So if you smell a burning sensation near my house you will probably discover that I have burned up a few more valuable brain cells in the process.
  With that said I will be back soon and information will be heading your way!!

Have a great day!  
